“The Coach” was born after a meeting with friend and real-life Life-Coach, Elena Armijo. (If you don’t know her, she’s a Master Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and Certified Brené Brown Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. Check her out HERE.)

 From there I began writing. What emerged was the script for “The Coach.” My original idea was that it would be a TV Pilot and I entered it into several competitions. It ended up winning 2nd place in the 2018 TVWriter.com People’s Pilot Competition and was named a Semi-Finalist in 2020 Hollywood International Diversity Film Festival and the 2020 Page Turner Screenplays TV Pilot LGBTQ+ Competition. (Did anyone else hear Barbara Walter’s voice when they read, “2020?” I digress. ) One of the competition judges suggested making “The Coach” into a podcast. Inspired, I sat down and penned five more episodes!

 I then gathered my friends, a little bit of saved money, tons of resources on creating a narrative podcast (audio fiction) and downloaded and learned Audacity – the program I used to assemble the audio for “The Coach”. From there we recorded, edited, and produced.

The Official Trailer for “The Coach” was released on July 28, 2022, and the first episode dropped approximately one month later, on August 23. Over the next five weeks, I released the remaining episodes. Since its release, “The Coach” has been heard throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. It’s made the Comedy Fiction Charts in the US, Canada, Germany, and currently is in the Top 100 on the Austrian Comedy Fiction Charts (we’re the audio fiction Jerry Lewis!) On top of that, “The Coach” is consistently in the Top 100 on the Goodpods (Goodreads for Podcasts) Indie Comedy Fiction Charts. It recently hit a milestone of receiving over 1000 downloads. Not bad for a queer, BIPOC indie audio fiction that’s been described as “hilarious,” “a breath of fresh air,” and my favorite, “brilliant, witty, odd.” “The Coach” was recently nominated for the LA Webfest’s Best Comedy/Adventure Podcast and Best Director of a Podcast.

When asked to describe the show I call it “30 Rock” meets “Twin Peaks,” but queer.